Support after you adopt

We will always be on hand if you need help or advice after you take your greyhound home

Yarmouth Greyhound Homefinders will continue to support you after you have adopted. If you have any problems or questions, we are at the end of the phone or you can email or WhatsApp us.

Most greyhounds settle into their new home without any problems– but occasionally adopters have a concern about their new pet and may need a bit of advice.

One very good source of advice is our Facebook site. “Successful Homing at Yarmouth Greyhound Homefinders”.

Join the Group and ask any question and you will always get very supportive and helpful advice from fellow greyhound owners

Greyhounds love people and are normally very gentle, and laid-back . But you have to remember that, up to the point they come to you, they have lived very ‘monastic’ lives in kennels. Everything in your home is different; the fact that you are close to them is different; the sights and sounds in the home are new; most greyhounds will never have met another breed of dog – and when they do they may initially be nervous or ‘on guard’. And when you take your greyhound out and about almost everything will be a new experience. Most greyhounds will take new things in their stride but occasionally it takes a little time and understanding before they are comfortable with some of their new experiences.

A little patience and learning to live with each other will overcome most problems and your reward will be a wonderful companion.
However, if you feel anxious or uncertain about anything to do with your greyhound, you are not alone – we’re here to help and we’ll stand by you.

Depending on the circumstances it may decided to use the services of a dog behaviour specialist to sort out the relationship between you and your new greyhound.
Our aim is to provide happy dogs for happy homes and owners – and we’re willing to go the extra mile to make sure this is what happens.
Just ring:-01603 710388 or 07507883891