
We rely on our volunteers for almost everything that we do. Without our wonderful band of volunteers our charity would not be able to keep going.
And you don’t have to have a greyhound to volunteer.

Here are a few ideas on how you might be able to help:-

  • Help with walking, socialising, grooming and playing with the dogs at the kennels.
  • Help with fostering a greyhound temporarily.
  • Home checking.
  • Help at one or more of our Open Days by helping on a stall or running your own stall, game, etc.
  • Help with our stall at any of the events on our list. We need people to help us set up at the start, stay for the duration of the event (or as long as you can) and put away at the end. Can you do this for just one or more of our events?
  • Help with collections and fundraising at The Stadium in Yarmouth.
  • Help at one of our street/store/fete collection days with your dog in or near your area. Details on this site or on request.
  • Join the Fundraising Committee which meets on a Saturday morning about every 6 weeks from March to October.
  • Administrative duties (usually these jobs can be done from home)
  • Help by placing our posters in local shops, pubs, clubs, businesses, etc. It will be a huge benefit in making people aware of our work.
  • Collect money in a jar in small amounts from friends, family etc and purchase tinned dog food for us to use at the kennels. People are doing this already and it is such a valuable help and, of course, you know exactly where the money is going.
  • Run a coffee morning at your home to raise our profile (and raise some money).
  • Obtain a collecting tin from us and place it in a public place e.g. shop, business etc. Pick it up every now and again and replace it.
  • Put your own idea into action and we will help where we can.

Of course all these things are happening already but it would be great to expand on them in various areas. The phrase “every little helps” is absolutely right and will enable us to care for and home even more of our lovely greyhounds.

However much time you are able to offer it will help to achieve our goal-rehoming the right greyhounds in the right homes.

If you are interested in becoming one of our voluteers please contact Jo Guise
Phone the Volunteer Hotline 07881724713
Or email yghvolunteering@btinternet.com
Or text 07881724713